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Punting Introduction

1,061 bytes added, 00:20, 16 November 2023
What about STI/STDs?
From time to time a new poster arrives to [ UKPunting] stating that they are new to punting and requesting advice.
Here are some answers to a few frequently asked questions by newbies. See also [[Glossary]] and [[Punting Myths]] and [[Punting Top Tips]].And after that read [[Guide to Writing Reviews]] and [[Nik's 21 Rules of Punting]]
Also note the general guidance for new members on UK Punting: '''Give''' before you '''Take'''. Do not expect help before you have offered at least something.
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==How do I get Started?==
There are so many answers to this question. Firstly, you should read this whole page and some of the other key pages like top tips, basic security, common myths etc. There is so much misunderstanding in common culture that it is difficult to know where to start.
Briefly, having sex with escorts (paid sex workers) in the UK is legal and good fun. But it is a social taboo, so discretion and security are important. These ideas are expanded upon below and on other pages on this wiki. You can book an escort directly, via an agency or in a brothel. The easiest way to find an independent escort is via Adult Work. Look on regional pages on this wiki or on UKP to find reputable agencies or brothels.
===How do I find a girl on Adultwork?===
* Make a search on Adult Work, usually based on a UK post code. See here for more tips [ thread on searching]
** Note all 4 tabs (Profile, Interview, Rates & Availability, Proximity) work together.
** Note that if an escort has not filled in a field (e.g. dress size), she may by be excluded from a search, though she meets your requirements. Best to search a few different ways.
** AW has both 'Bareback' and 'Unprotected sex' on the Preferences list. Best to exclude both.
** Results are ordered as you specify in bottom right of 'Profile' tab.
Depending on where in the UK you are located prices will vary from £100 an hour to £150/£200 or more. This is for ordinary escorts. Those who consider themselves [[Glossary#Courtesan|Courtesans]] or "high class escorts" will charge a lot more as will the so called “porn stars”.
Prices will increase for those prostitutes escorts working for agencies as the agencies will take their cut which will be added to the prices charged to the punters.
The range of prices in London is even greater. For example straight sex (with no extras) in a [[London Walkups| Soho Walk up]] will cost you £30, (please note Soho walk ups are not recommended for newbies) and if you go to upmarket areas or see independent prostitutes in Mayfair or agencies well the sky is the limit.
You will soon realise that in reality there is no such thing as a fair rate. It mostly depends on what rates punters are prepared to pay and how much prostitutes think they can get away with.
One fact that you must be aware though is that there often isn't any relationship between cost and quality. There are many documented escorts charging £80 £100 an hour and giving excellent service while more expensive ones charging twice or three times more and offering a mediocre service.
Lastly be aware that quite a lot of prostitutes escorts like to offer some services as an extra. For example [[Glossary#OWO|OWO]] might be included in their hourly rate but [[Glossary#CIM|CIM]] will cost you extra. The same goes for anal sex, very few prostitutes escorts offer anal sex inclusive in their basic rate it often is offered as an extra.
===Booking hotels for outcalls===
* Rule one do what you want. There is no progression or 'right' path. If you want a massage with Happy Ending then do so. If you want sex with a 22yo size 8 girl, then book her. Everyone's likes and everyone's path is their own.
* Equally, if you are not sure you want sex with an escort, then don't. It is an expensive hobby.
===[[Prostitution Laws in the UK|What about the Law]]?===
In the United Kingdom England, Scotland and Wales it is '''legal ''' for consenting adults to agree to a money-for-sex exchange. However, there are a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel and pimping that are classified as illegal. Furthermore, in England, Wales and in Northern Ireland it is an offence to pay for sex with a prostitute who has been “subjected to force” and this is a strict liability offence (clients can be prosecuted even if they did not know the prostitute was forced).
Please notice also that although the age of consent for non-commercial sex is 16, it is illegal to buy sex from a person younger than 18.
In the unlikely scenario that the brothel gets raided by the police while you are visiting, you may be asked to give your details. You must do so as giving false details may land you in trouble.
* See Also also [[Useful Threads on UKP #Prostitution And the Law| Prostitution and the Law]]* See also [[Northern Ireland]] Sorry lads. 
===What about [[Trafficking]]===
or for London
*[ Sexual Health London]
See also * [ Sex activities and risk] NHS site.* [ Sexually transmitted infections] NHS site.
* [[Useful Threads on UKP #Punting and sexual health | Punting and sexual health discussion threads on UKP]]
* [ Terrence Higgins Trust article on Oral Sex and HIV]
Make sure the escort you choose has good reviews on UKPunting, do try and ignore the feedback from AdultWork. Do not worry about your looks, body or the size of your cock. The prostitute's job is to have sex with strangers for money regardless of their looks, etc. They are also very used to all kinds of male personalities; from the alpha males to the chronically shy. They have seen it all so you will be OK. [ See Also:Should she be mature? ] [ Thread on the topic]
===I'm a virgin, disabled and would like to visit an escort===
By all means read UKP forums and this wiki to get as much information as possible. If you still have some questions do post them on the forum.
===Basic Security===
* Get a Punting phone and a [[Buying Adult Content Online|Punting payment card]]
* If you use Adultwork, make sure your profile does not have your real name or your UKP name. [ Link]. If it does, change it now. * Also check your punting email. Even if the email address is random. , a program may have added your name, if you use it from your main computer.
* Do not sign up to any punting forum or site (including Vivastreet) with a work email address e.g. - this could lead to blackmail attempts if you happen to visit an unscrupulous escort.
* Never ever mention a punt you are about to have on a forum. Nothing good can come from you your announcement. And so many things can go wrong. (You being outed, her being outed etc). Reviews are about the past.
* Don't connect Adultwork with UK punting if you can avoid it.
* [[Punting Top Tips]]
* [[Punting Myths | Punting Myths: A list of common myths that have perpetuated through the years.]]
* [[Prostitute Escort Time Wasting Tactics | Time Wasting Tactics: A guide to some ways prostitutes escorts might use to waste your booking time.]]
* [[Guide to UKP review writing | Guide to UKP review writing: How to write a review once you visited a prostitute]]
* [ How do I get in to a hotel for an incall?] another one [ hotel incall] and another[ hotel incall 3]

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