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Punters Guide to Escorting

17 bytes added, 14:32, 24 May 2021
2 minor edits
This is advice from Punters to Escorts. No one is saying you can do all of this. But it IS what many punters say they want!
Are you new to Escorting? Or perhaps you are not new but want the punters view on how to be a great escort.
* Offer him a shower. Offer to join him in the shower. Just keep your hair and make up out of the water.
* Wear no lipstick that might get on him. Wear no strong perfume.
* Play Be ready to play music. Not ITV nor MTV - an advert during sex is poor. Really, get an Amazon Echo ('Alexa') or a docking station for your phone. Silence is poor. Normal TV is poor. Adverts are poor. If you play spotify, get the ad free version. (Of course some guys wont want music - but many do)
* Don't ever check your phone for new text messages or take a phone call during any part of the booking. Don't even ask him if it is OK - he might say 'yes', but he won't really like it. Just don't.
* Don't "slag off" the competition by talking about any escorts you dislike. It will not display high status; it is off-putting and a mood killer. (It is OK to talk about sex and sex is one thing you really do have in common - just be positive!)

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