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Guide to Writing Reviews

115 bytes added, 20:24, 20 September 2022
Try to give a reasonably detailed and objective description of her looks toward the beginning of the review. While a certain degree of subjectivity is inevitable, it can be helpful to mention both particularly attractive or unattractive physical features. If you can, indicate the WG's approximate height, dress size and any distinctive identifying characteristics (which make it much easier for other punters to determine whether they are actually meeting the same provider). The use of rating scales for physical and facial attractiveness is contentious - one method developed by Jason is detailed below. Highlight any concerns about hygiene.
Comment on the accuracy of the photographs and the physical description included in the profile. Give your view of her actual age. Mention her nationality. Describe how well she speaks and understands English. Also mention what she wore and if she met a dress request. Do not say 'Looks like her photos' unless you attach the photos! She may have new ones on her profile at any time.
Upload images from the WG's profile to your review, particularly those that give a clear impression of her face, figure or any identifying marks (tattoos). There is an easy to use photo feature in the review writing page. It is good practice to include clear pictures and an AW profile screen shot in your review. These help other punters ensure they are meeting the girl you reviewed and in tracking escorts who change profiles. Note the following specific guidance on the use of photos which has been approved by the moderators.

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