Baltic Girls

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Baltic girls in London

General Observations about Baltic escorts

  1. Strictly speaking Baltic means Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. For our purposes though we also include Russians in this category as there are not many anyway and they have the same culture. It should be noted that some Baltic girls advertise as "Russians" especially the Estonians. They often do so for privacy reasons as Estonia is a small country.
  2. Looks vary, but often range from pretty to stunning. Often Aryan in looks with green, blue or grey eyes, pale skin and natural blonde hair is common in Lithuania and Latvia. More likely to be brunette or black haired in Russia. Looks wise the younger women are often 7 or above, and even the older ones (35+) are often a 6+ with cute faces and nice skin.
  3. Often slim. Usually smaller than a size 12.
  4. They are usually tall. Estonians are always at least 5'8" tall. For the other 3 the heights vary greatly but never shorter than 5ft5in. Some are 5'11" but it is extremely rare to find one taller than that. Here's a bit of trivia to put it into perspective: Basketball is the national sport in Lithuania.
  5. English skills vary. Estonians are the best English speakers whose native language is not English - softly spoken and with a very nice accent. Sometimes too chatty though. Girls from the other 3 Baltic countries are usually similar to Polish girls in that they are capable of conversational English. The accent though is arguably stronger and more difficult to understand.
  6. Harder to find than Polish, Romanian, Hungarian or British escorts.
  7. Often fiery-tempered and outspoken.
  8. Regarding French kissing Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians tend to be excellent kissers enjoying passionate proper FK or DFK. Russians are often reluctant to DFK but they do provide light FK nonetheless.

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