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UKPunting Helpers

132 bytes added, 18:47, 5 March 2023
Move to a correct board
===Move to a correct board===
* If things are on a regional board, and you are really sure they are general interest, it can be OK to move it. Cautious here - some of the regional boards have a banter going and the poster really may want it on the regional board.
* If things are on the genearl general board, but are very specific (e.g. 'What is a good agency in Nottingham?') then it is better on the regional board.
* Reviews should be on the regional review board ''where the punt took place''. If it is posted in error, move it. But use common sense - if the punter has a good reason to post where he did then best to leave it. While the 'legal' boundaries are clear, some places in one region may get most of the punters from another (e.g Stoke on Trent, West London that is part of SE).
* Can view IP history.
* Can ban issue Temporary or Permanent bans / unban to accounts.
* Can delete posts / topics.
* Can lock / unlock topics.
* Can merge topics.
* Can amend AW indexing errors.
* Can add Service Provider title to a Profile.
* Can approve / delete posts requiring approval.
* Can view post reports.

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