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Punting Top Tips

123 bytes added, 12:25, 7 April 2021
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#The way round this trap is to set a maximum monthly budget that you NEVER EVER EVER EVER surpass no matter what. A substantial budget if you like but a limited budget nonetheless. And remember this is the absolute maximum budget - you don't have to spend it every month and actually you shouldn't. Even after having short or long breaks from punting where the budget could very easily be larger as you saved up during the break, accepting and applying this you run the risk to subconsciously accept and later apply the reverse logic: i.e. counting on future savings from no punting which should never be taken for granted and is a very dangerous mind-set to have.
==Buying Adult Content Online==Consider getting a secure PAYG payment card. See here [[#top | Go to topBuying Adult Content Online]]. 
==UKP Threads==
* [ Punting phone advice please] April 2021
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